Thursday 8 December 2016

C-1 : How it all started & Why Mirrorless


Photography has been one of my favorite hobbies since my school days and since I didn’t have any discrete digital camera at that time, my main camera were my parents phones, my mother’s sleek and cute Nokia 6300 and my father’s chunky Nokia N73. I couldn’t do much with the 6300 but the N73 was a stellar performer with its 3.2MP camera with Carl Zeiss Optics, yeah..!!! 

N73, September 2008

Nokia N73 was just amazing in the hands of my 16 year old self. It had an AF system with different modes with Macro being my favorite, a flash and most importantly the ‘Carl Zeiss’ branded lens, which I had no idea about in the beginning but later discovered the Zeiss brand and hence began my favorite thing in the camera module. With the Macro mode I got some good blurred background with, then sharp images from its sensor. Only god knows the number of photos I took with that camera, well, mobile.

N73, March 2008

Then comes our family’s first ever discrete digital camera, my beloved Sony CyberShot W-360 with its 14MP CCD sensor and 720p video recording. I was awed by the amount of details I could get from the sensor, as previously I was only used to shoot with a mere 3.2MP mobile camera. Took a lot of photos with it and this is when photography really started to grow inside me. I started experimenting on the metering system and I learned a lot from my general use. It didn’t have any manual controls but only modes which did everything for us. From the images I could get and from my uploads in FB and the response I got, this camera quickly became my favorite thing at home.

Sony W-360, May 2010

Sony W-360, May 2010

Sony W-360, April 2010

Sony W-360, August 2010

Sony W-360, March 2011

Sony W-360, Sept May 2011

That was when my sister, who again was a good frame maker herself decided to buy a camera for herself. She told me to find a good camera for her and her only condition was no complications with changing lenses and stuffs but a good camera that could shoot anything and everything. I started to research and thanks to Graham from YouTube, we planned to take the Panasonic Lumix FZ-200, and boy that was and still is one hell of a camera. My sister was hesitant to buy a camera made by Panasonic.  In Indian, this brand is mainly knows for TV’s, AC’s and other similar household electronics. After my research and before buying, I asked some of my friends who were photographers and they all were like, take the Canon ‘this’ or the Nikon ‘that’ and most of them had no idea that Panasonic made camera’s in the first place. But then the moment I started to post pictures in social media, my friends were all awed. Many asked me about the gear I used and stuffs. I learned everything I could from using that camera and also from the wonderful videos made by Mr.Graham Houghton. The Lumix FZ-200 had manual controls and I learned everything I could from it.

While researching about the FZ-200 I got a glimpse of the micro four thirds system with the Olympus OM-D E-M5 ad video, and it caught my attention big time. And I started to follow the development of this system and was impressed with what these small camera's could do. That was in November 2012. Almost an year later, I thought I would test the E-M5 but I could find a store that had one. I went to some camera stores and they were simply unaware of this system and one guy even said Olympus doesn’t make cameras anymore. I smiled and said Okay..!

It’s natural because in India, we can only see Canon’s and Nikon’s and sometimes a rare Sony. Many doesn’t even know what the Micro four thirds system is. After some heavy research, I found a store that had one, which unfortunately was in another state. I went there and tested the OM-D E-M5 Mark-1 in the store and I understood that this was the camera I wanted, I waited for. I fell in love with the design, feel and the sheer pleasure of using that camera. And that was the day when I made my mind. 
And almost 3 years after that first impression, in June 2015 I decided to buy an OM-D for myself. So I started my search to find an authorized seller to get the OM-D E-M5 Mark 2 and finally ended up buying from the all India distributor in the capital city, New Delhi.  

My Baby. Taken with Lumix FZ-200

It has been a love story ever since.

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